
"Child abuse does not go away, but 90 percent of child abuse is preventable"

Monday 5 March 2012

Child Abuse In Ningbo Anger Chinese Netizens (NSFW)

Child Abuse In Ningbo Anger Chinese Netizens (NSFW)

From Mop:

Daddy, please don’t hit me anymore

It is truly difficult to believe that in this day and age there can be such a cruel thing and such an inhuman father.
The children have temporarily been sent to the town welfare center/orphanage, and the father is temporarily living at the police station. But I don’t know how many days this can last.
Friends, you haven’t lived their lives, you have never seen such a situation. But if you ever do, that desire to help but being unable to do so, that feeling of helplessness, witnessing the child suffer hardship is more tragic than anything. In fact, I too cannot endure much longer.
I want to help these two kids, but feel unable to do so. How to help? With what? I’m still very lost. I can only do my best. But one person’s strength is too limited. So I’m asking for help. If you want to help, or if you have any suggestions as to how to fix this problem, please get in touch with me.
Phone number: 13736002217
November 10 progress: Due to the nature and extent of the children’s injuries, the relevant authorities contacted the local charity centre, and the children were sent there temporarily. Spokesman for the relevant authorities indicated that they would be cared for, and for the moment, were being removed from their father’s care for their own protection.
Ningbo Jiangbeicicheng, just behind this metal door live two children. Their lives were worse than death, their bodies covered with bruises and cuts, they lived in terror. In their eyes, their father was a demon.
The front door is tightly closed, I was only able to sneak in the back, the second open window is the kids' home.
I'll never forget this freshly bloodied face, and the helpless expression in his eyes.
Childhood is a pure and free time, it should be full of happiness, playing, carefree, and full of hope for the future. But in the eyes of this five year old, childhood isn't so beautiful. All he faces each day is his father's beatings; is the hunger in his belly; this is a face that does not dare to face other people's eyes; a face that sees other people having fun and playing, while he himself is locked inside all day.
When I burst into the room, I simply couldn't believe my eyes, was this a home or a torture chamber. Blood was everywhere. Some was fresh, some had already dried.
The child has been beaten so that he is covered with injuries, with fresh wounds and old wounds mixed together.
The child has been beaten so that he is covered with injuries, with fresh wounds and old wounds mixed together.
These feet were just cut by his father using needles and scissors. Upon seeing them now, I can't help but cry! Why?! Why?! Why did I have to see such a terrible thing?!
Is this a home? Or hell? The children's blood is throughout the entire house!
The child has been beaten so that he is covered with injuries, with fresh wounds and old wounds mixed together.
The child has been beaten so that he is covered with injuries, with fresh wounds and old wounds mixed together.
These injuries were from a beating today. No! They are cuts from a knife!
The head has already has a large wound.
This is the broom that was just used to hit the child. It has been broken, there is blood all over the floor.
The child's sister's face and body are covered with scars.
This is the children's father, Yang Quansheng. He's from Jiangxi, he came to Ningbo to work. He is a painter. The two children's mother already left the family two years ago, fleeing his beatings.
I asked him: How long have you been beating the children? He said: Three years. I asked: In these three years, do you beat them often? He said: Almost every day.
I asked him: Why do you beat them every day? Him: I asked how old he is, he couldn't answer. I got angry and beat him. I asked: Do you dislike your child? Him: I love my child, so I hit him.
Sending the children to the hospital.
The doctor giving the child an examination.
After removing the child's clothes, and cleaning the wound, the child's knife, needle, scissor, club, etc. injuries made the attending nurses cry loudly, and infuriated the attending doctors.
The doctor carefully treating the child's wounds.
The doctor carefully treating the child's wounds.
The doctor carefully treating the child's wounds.
The doctor carefully treating the child's wounds.
When the doctor was stitching up the child's wounds, anaesthetic wasn't used so recovery would be quicker. The child was strong throughout, never making a single whimper, or shedding a single tear.
The child's experiences and strength moved the entire hospital, with everyone present shedding tears. A helpful ayi (auntie) dressed the child, and brought some bread and milk for the children to eat. An old grandmother said while crying: "The child is only five years old and has already met this hardship, and undergoing surgery without anesthesia is something even adults could not endure without screaming. Yet this child did not even shed a tear. How could there be a father like this? The children's live worse than dogs."
In less than five minutes, a large bag of bread was finished, the sister said to me: They haven't eaten in two days. They have never eaten this bread before. It was really delicious. Only later after asking more questions did I learn that aside from noodles, they have never eaten much of anything else.
Sending Yang Quansheng to Kangning Hospital.
Beginning examinations.
Beginning examinations. Psychiatric/psychological testing room.
Beginning examinations. Brain scan.
Beginning examinations.
Beginning examinations.
We often say that children are the motherland's flowers, but what about these forgotten, abused flowers? Who should we hold accountable, could it only be their father? Cherishing children isn't something that can be accomplished through a single Children's Day holiday!